Friday, 29 February 2008

UFOs - Mosawir and Rutika

U.F.O stands for:
Objects. They can come in many shapes for example diamonds, circles, triangles and ovals.

In this report you will find lots of information about U.F.Os.

The Ministry of Defence believes U.F.Os do exist- but may not be crafted from other worlds.
‘If there are such things as aliens/U.F.Os why haven’t they destroyed planet Earth?’

Many softwares on the Internet create images of U.F.Os. In Scotland there are at least three hundred sightings a year of U.F.Os. Scotland has actually caught a real alien and has tested on the alien (If you live in Scotland your more likely to spot one).
On the one hand, children may get scared and have
nightmares or never come outside. The children can start thinking negative thoughts which is not good at all.
On the other hand, it’s sort of good because we, children, need to know what’s going around the world.

We think U.F.Os should not be taught in schools because we think it’s not suitable for our age.

Mosawir & Rutika